Appraisals / Valuations |  |
All reporting requirements of USPAP for apartments, houses, shopping centers, office warehouses, office buildings, industrial properties, improved and unimproved land, subdivisions, mobile home parks and special purpose properties.
- Narrative format with automated technology that assures internal consistency for commercial.
- Residential reporting on URAR (Uniform Residential Appraisal Report) forms.
- Special project reporting standards for eminent.
- Domain, right-of-way acquisition and condemnation.
Evaluations & Counseling
Consultation in solving client-specific problems, with development feasibility model as fundamental in all property analyses.
- Economic feasibility, viability appraisals, and highest and best use analyses.
- Investment counseling via "justified investment price" analyses.
- Ad valorem tax analyses and consultation.
Litigation & Expert Witness |  |
Not withstanding the emotional characteristics of litigation, efforts are made to be well prepared, factually accurate, coherent, sincere, and, yet interesting.
- As expert appraisal witnesses, we will advocate the truth and our strength in research sophistication.
- To the client count on our competence in performing the study, well-reasoned conclusions and judgements.
- To the court: we will tell the truth, convey the facts, and explain the conclusions, judgments and opinions.
Spatial Land Use Projects
We are fundamentally a research consultancy with proven capabilities in all aspects of physical land utilization and/or its revenue-generating capacity. Current research and interests encompass:
- Urban suburban sprawl, economic impact studies, military base closures, spatial land use planning and developments of resorts, golf courses and hotels.
- Mass appraisals for taxation, valuation of hotel/motel, hospitals, industrial plant and machinery, oil and gas leases, mineral rights and ski resorts.